Friday, March 15, 2013

The Meeting

We finally had the meeting I have been waiting for for some time now.  The agreement with OHSU has been signed.  Finally.  Hopefully this will be the end of the wild speculation, but I doubt it.

What is being promised is pretty good.  They will take all the clinic staff on without any undo difficulty. We wont be obligated to reapply, submit to any complicated HR process, nor have any of our hours cut.  We will also get 'comparable' pay, which in my own digging around is likely to be somewhat less, but not very much (potentially a few cents hourly), but with the added benefit of an actual sick bank on top of our vacation pay and 6% contributed to retirement (vs. 2.5%).  We will also get some union credit, which will help in trying for vacations and possibly other jobs in the system down the road.  

In the interim though, I suspect chaos.  The nurse I had trained to replace me is offically done as of today (and she was pretty darn awesome), so it will be me and clinic once again....though 4 days instead of 5 (or 3).  Since I still technically am employed by the Park, the big question is how long will I be working in the clinic.  The plan, or at least the most recent itineration, has the Park and Mt. Hood going over in the summer, Good Sam by the end of the year (or early next) and the Creek and my clinic at some point around summer 2014.  If they dont find a way to transfer me (and I am not sure if I want them to or not depending on the day), they will end up with a 4 day a week hole in the clinic that they will not be able to hire to replace.  Also, if the other clinicians dont opt to move along, they could look to transfer inpatient (or in other departments).  Ripples are already being felt as I was the plug for vacations and sick calls at other sites, a service I will no longer be able to provide.  I was asked to 'schedule light' but already we have more patients on next week than we had this week, including a 3 day/5 hour each day hydration for the next month and at least one daily ABX patient.  Scheduling light will be more or less at the whims of the referring physicians and less my own discretion.  It is going to be a bumpy ride.  

On the flip side, at least I seem to be soaking up kudos.  Even the nurse executive is getting in the act.  Going so far as to say it would 'be a loss to Legacy, and a major boon to OHSU!' if I chose to stay.  I am definitely keeping that email to re-read on my shittier days.

We are starting our interviews tomorrow (3 all told) for a new caregiver.  The gal that was supposed to take care of Quinn in the short term will likely not be able to due to health concerns.  So we are a bit in scramble mode at the moment.  We have two centers to visit next week as well.  Hopefully one of them turns out all right.  The pressure is certainly on.  

More to come as always.  I am a whipped pup today.  Time to shut it down.  

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